Sunday, March 20, 2016

Whole trees going down......

My apricot tree has ripped open over winter. Not sure why, probably due to a late frost after (too) warm weather.

It has no chance of survival - it would only attract pests..... sooo, bye bye...

zwarte bes achter

Honeyberry already blooming - first

Honeyberry the second - already blooming

berry?  Black or red - have to look that up!

Berry indeed - same story

Last picture of the apricot - it's gone now.. We had it for
about 15 years and actually harvested about 10 apricots. If there
were more - as I suspect - they were plucked by passers by...

sour cherry - still to be pruned back.

Cherry before...

Prune after pruning ?!?

Cherry before butchering ;)  Never was really beautiful...

Injuries on the apricot. 

Tree - ugly as all get out, but within regulation!

sideview cherry - this year I'll be able to put curtains
on again. Gotta be smart to keep those delicious cherries
safe from the birds!

Gooseberry (right) and white currant (I think)  are two separate
entities again Never knew that a gooseberry was that invasive!
 I pulled about 20 new plants from the perimeter -
as far as 4 meters away!. One new bush can stay at
 the foot of the prune.

Cherry - grows like wildfire. Finally the low branches
are thick enough. The old growth was above the legal lim it of
2.5 meters. Rules of the allotment are now followed.

remnants of the apricot - See the damage?

Sour cherry - still to be pruned.

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