If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Friday, February 24, 2012
{This moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Companionplanting and crop rotation in practice part 2
I think this is what it's gonna be. It's gonna be 6 years until a particular crop is planted in the same bed again, and I have the yearly switch between a heavy eater and a light eater.
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | |
Bed 1 | Bean 21 | Cabbage 12 | Bean 21 | Root 11 | Broad Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 |
Bed 2 | Pea 22 | Root 11 | Broad Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 | Pea 22 | Cabbage 12 |
Bed 3 | Braod Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 | Pea 22 | Cabbage 12 | Bean 21 | Root 11 |
Bed 4 | Cabbage 12 | Broad Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 | Pea 22 | Cabbage 12 | Bean 21 |
Bed 5 | Root 11 | Pea 22 | Cabbage 12 | Bean 21 | Root 11 | Broad Bean 23 |
Bed 6 | Koolrabi 13 | Bean 21 | Root 11 | Broad Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 | Pea 22 |
Companionplanting and crop rotation in practice
Way back in 2008 I found a chard for companionplanting, giving the best partners for several plants in a setup for 6 beds.
I implemented in 2008 and have been following the roaster quite diligently, having only once made a mistake with planting beans on the same bed twice in a row - this is now 4 years ago, so I doubt the negative effects on the soil are still an issue.
I only ever amend the soil with chicken poo ( the last two years, as we now have two ladies in the back yard) and compost once a year.
Over the years I have taken to name the beds after there main crop. So "Mischkulturbed 1-1" = companionplanting scheme 1-1 is come to be the Rootbed. The exact contend of the combinations you can find on folia - where I happily record my garden adventures for a few years now.
As I was setting up the plan for this year, I noticed that I could improve. The beds starting with 1 are cabbages - meaning heavy eaters. The 2 beds are bean sorts - a different species, giving the soil actually, what the cabbages eat. If I were to rotate the 3 bed combinations as well, to have the cabbages benefit from the leftovers of the beans, I could help my crops.
I think I'll try............
I implemented in 2008 and have been following the roaster quite diligently, having only once made a mistake with planting beans on the same bed twice in a row - this is now 4 years ago, so I doubt the negative effects on the soil are still an issue.
I only ever amend the soil with chicken poo ( the last two years, as we now have two ladies in the back yard) and compost once a year.
Over the years I have taken to name the beds after there main crop. So "Mischkulturbed 1-1" = companionplanting scheme 1-1 is come to be the Rootbed. The exact contend of the combinations you can find on folia - where I happily record my garden adventures for a few years now.
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | |
Bed 1 | Broad beans 2-3 | Pea 2-2 | Bean 2-1 | Cabbage 1-2 | Koolrabi 1-3 | Roots 1-1 |
Bed 2 | Pea 22 | Broad beans 23 | Pea 22 | Root 11 | Cabbage 12 | Koolrabi 13 |
Bed 3 | Bean 21 | Bean 21 (mistake) | Broad Bean 23 | Koolrabi 13 | Root 11 | Cabbage 12 |
Bed 4 | Koolrabi 13 | Root 11 | Cabbage 12 | Broad Bean 23 | Bean 21 | Pea 22 |
Bed 5 | Cabbage 12 | Koolrabi 13 | Root 11 | Pea 22 | Broad Bean 23 | Bean 21 |
Bed 6 | Root 11 | Cabbage 12 | Koolrabi 13 | Bean 21 | Pea 22 | Broad Bean 23 |
As I was setting up the plan for this year, I noticed that I could improve. The beds starting with 1 are cabbages - meaning heavy eaters. The 2 beds are bean sorts - a different species, giving the soil actually, what the cabbages eat. If I were to rotate the 3 bed combinations as well, to have the cabbages benefit from the leftovers of the beans, I could help my crops.
I think I'll try............
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I'm starting to save my newspapers...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Wonderful Knitting Machine (Part 1)
I spent my whole day with sock knitting machines - have a look at their history!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Contest time!
Contest – Time!
Win a bracelet of your choice........
That's what you have to do:
1. Like my fb- page www.facebook.com/alkes.attic or register for the newsletter on my website.
2. Go to the shop www.alkes-attic.com – choose your language – and find the red bracelet which I've misplaced somewhere in the shop. On the misplaced red bracelet you'll see an exta button.
3. Send me an email – either through the shop or my homemail – stating the colour of that rogue button.
On Monday, februari 13th, I'll select a winner.
You can choose one of the bracelets in the shop, or you can get a voucher, of course.
Have fun searching!
Du kannst ein Armband Deiner Wahl gewinnen.....
So kannst Du Dich an der Verlosung beteiligen:
1. Klicke “Gefällt mir” auf meiner Facebook Seite www.facebook.com/alkes.attic oder melde Dich an für den Newsletter auf der Webseite.
2. Auf meiner Webseite www.alkes-attic.com – wähle Deutsch oben auf der Seite – und geh auf die Suche nach einem Foto des roten Armbands, daß ich irgendwo im Shop verloren habe. Auf diesem versteckten Armband liegt ein extra Knopf.
3. Schicke mir eine Mail – entweder über die Shop – Seite, oder an meine private Adresse – Welche Farbe hat der extra Knopf?
Am Montag, dem 13. Februar, werde ich einen Gewinner auslosen.
Du kannst Dir entweder ein Armband aus dem Shop aussuchen, oder aber einen Gutschein erhalten.
Viel Spaß beim Suchen!
Win het armband van jouw keuze!
Dit is wat je zou moeten doen:
1. Klick “Vind ik leuk!” op mijn facebook profiel www.facebook.com/alkes.attic of meld je aan voor de nieuwsbrief op de shop – site.
2. Ga naar de online winkel www.alkes-attic.com – kies Nederlands bovenaan – en ga op zoek naar de verstopte rode armband. Op deze armband ligt een extra knoop.
3. Stuur me een mailtje – of via de shop site of naar mijn privé mail – Welke kleur heeft de extra knoop?
Maandag, 13 februari, zal ik een winnaar bekend maken.
Of je ontvangt de armband van je keuze uit de winkel – of een kadobon.
Veel plezier bij het zoeken!
Win a bracelet of your choice........
That's what you have to do:
1. Like my fb- page www.facebook.com/alkes.attic or register for the newsletter on my website.
2. Go to the shop www.alkes-attic.com – choose your language – and find the red bracelet which I've misplaced somewhere in the shop. On the misplaced red bracelet you'll see an exta button.
3. Send me an email – either through the shop or my homemail – stating the colour of that rogue button.
On Monday, februari 13th, I'll select a winner.
You can choose one of the bracelets in the shop, or you can get a voucher, of course.
Have fun searching!
Du kannst ein Armband Deiner Wahl gewinnen.....
So kannst Du Dich an der Verlosung beteiligen:
1. Klicke “Gefällt mir” auf meiner Facebook Seite www.facebook.com/alkes.attic oder melde Dich an für den Newsletter auf der Webseite.
2. Auf meiner Webseite www.alkes-attic.com – wähle Deutsch oben auf der Seite – und geh auf die Suche nach einem Foto des roten Armbands, daß ich irgendwo im Shop verloren habe. Auf diesem versteckten Armband liegt ein extra Knopf.
3. Schicke mir eine Mail – entweder über die Shop – Seite, oder an meine private Adresse – Welche Farbe hat der extra Knopf?
Am Montag, dem 13. Februar, werde ich einen Gewinner auslosen.
Du kannst Dir entweder ein Armband aus dem Shop aussuchen, oder aber einen Gutschein erhalten.
Viel Spaß beim Suchen!
Win het armband van jouw keuze!
Dit is wat je zou moeten doen:
1. Klick “Vind ik leuk!” op mijn facebook profiel www.facebook.com/alkes.attic of meld je aan voor de nieuwsbrief op de shop – site.
2. Ga naar de online winkel www.alkes-attic.com – kies Nederlands bovenaan – en ga op zoek naar de verstopte rode armband. Op deze armband ligt een extra knoop.
3. Stuur me een mailtje – of via de shop site of naar mijn privé mail – Welke kleur heeft de extra knoop?
Maandag, 13 februari, zal ik een winnaar bekend maken.
Of je ontvangt de armband van je keuze uit de winkel – of een kadobon.
Veel plezier bij het zoeken!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sometimes it all comes together....
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
{This moment}
001 a video by breiduiveltje on Flickr.
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Friday, January 20, 2012
{This moment}
First bath!
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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