Even though I started with washing some buckets and got the water dirty first.
These buckets will house my tomato -, pepper- and cucumberplants through the summer. Our tiny backyard lies to the south, so they are sheltered and enjoying the sun very much. I hope for a good harvest.
Now the greenhouse is quite empty again, giving me room for the next generation. Here is what it looked like before today's "major move".
I have the cottonplants, the jalapeno-peppers and the melons left in pot's, the cucumbers are in the soil - ready to go. Two years ago we've brought one plant with us from Germany, and we kept eating cucumber in all variations known to men, until we had to surrender and gave 4 or 5 of them to the neighbors - per week! This year we'll have the snackbar to use them as well, so I've planted three of them now.
You probably ask yourself why I've brought plants from Germany - I find them the best souvenirs from travels - they grow and give fruit all summer and don't have to be dusted ;-)
Ooooh, a greenhouse, how I'd love one of those, and the time to plant it!