Friday, October 29, 2010

{This moment}


Thursday, October 21, 2010


My neighbor was just here, bringing me a new addition to my wheel collection. Yes, it indeed is a collection by now.

It's an old model "Schippertje" - boatsman if you like.

He got it from his grandmother, and since he is a grandfather for a long time himself, this wheel is most certainly older than I am.


I will clean it and add a new driveband, and have a spin with it. Love the lazy kate - which is detachable - with FOUR bobbins.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by breiduiveltje
I've joined
It's a brilliant initiative, and I will morsbag every customer that spends more than 10 Euro's in Alke's Attic.
For now I have 8 bags, only waiting for the labels.

{This moment}


Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was asked about 30 times today which part of the wheel pricks into fingers...
Shame I don't have a flax wheel!

Appearantly there are a few spinners in my little village - and everybody wanted to know where I got the lovely Polwarth I was spinning. Southern Cross Fibre's of course!

It was a lovely day with lots of interesting conversations.


Friday, October 1, 2010

{This moment}


Alke's Attic opened today.

Alke's Attic opens it's doors!

It was a dream for a long time...
Now, after more than two months of preparations, I'm proud to present:

Alke's Attic
